Cookie’s Playhouse will offer
Transportation, this FEE WILL NOT BE
INCLUDED in your child’s weekly rate.
Please ask Director/Owner for policy on Transportation.
Fee: $225 for full time child/ren (40 hours a week) This includes for children under 2 years old)
(Over 40 hours will be billed at $5.50 an hour).
Fee: $180 for full time child/ren. This includes food for 2 years old to 5 years old. Even if the child
is absent on contracted day the fee will be assessed and there WILL NOT be a make-up day.
For more prices please refer to the RATE SHEET below!
-Cookie’s Playhouse charges $6.25 per hour unless you enter into a full time or part time contract.
-Transportation is OFFERED, but it IS NOT INCLUDED in the fees listed above. Please ask
owner/director for transportation fees.
-Cookie’s Playhouse asks for a two (2) week written notice if you are switching your child/ren out
of the center. Parents will pay for these two weeks even if child leaves the program before the
two (2) weeks are completed.
-Cookie’s Playhouse will supply table food and serve the following: Breakfast, Lunch, AM Snack,
Dinner, and PM Snack. Parents of infants are asked to provide formula or breast milk and baby
Holidays: Cookie’s Playhouse will be close. Please check what major holidays the childcare is
-Parents will provide an extra set of clothes for their child/ren, Change as the seasons and as the
child/ren grow.
ILL children: See policies: Cookie’s Playhouse will provide care if they are teething or have colds,
but you need to bring a prescription or non-prescription to be given to your child/ren if needed
during the day.
Administration of Medication: Forms to be filled out as needed. Parents will be asked to fill one
out for diaper rash cream and each summer for sunscreen and repellent.
Rate Sheet
Policy on Payments and Transportation
Full-time care is 40 hours/Part-time care is 30 hours.
**Drop-in hourly is for currently enrolled families in need of extra hours of care on a non-scheduled day and for children
6-12 years old in need of care for less than 20 hours.
Children in need of care less than 20 hours a week 6weeks-12years old will be $6.25 per hour.
****Hourly fee over 40 hours is for currently enrolled families in need of extra hours of care over 40 hours a week ($5.50).
Discounts: Cookie’s Playhouse does not offer any additional discounts.
Please check rate sheet, when you bundle you are paying less than $6.25 an hours for full-time and/or part-time.
Payments will be due on the Friday prior to the week of care for your child. i.e. payment for July-2, 2018-July 7, 2018 is due by June 29, 2018.
If you receive a MyWIChildCare card your payment is due on the first of each month. If you have a co-payment it can/will be divided by four (4) week and is due every Friday unless we have an agreement to pay bi-weekly.
If your co-payment is not PAID, you will receive a notice of discharge from Cookie’s Playhouse. Your child will be denied cares until payment is received. If Friday is a holiday, we ask that you make arrangements to pay that Thursday, BUT no later than that Monday morning.
Payments can be made by cash, money order, or cashier’s check. Please make money order/cashier’s check payable to: Cookie’s Playhouse Learning Center. MyWIChildCare card payments can be made by phone at 1-877-201-7601 or online at ebtedge.com. I will provide you with my FIS provider ID. You may pay ahead, but if you choose to pre-pay more than 2 weeks at a time, the amount will be non-refundable if you discontinue care.
Please review rates for transportation. It is your job as the parent to provide detail times that you would like your child/ren picked up. Cookie’s Playhouse will only give a five (5) minute grace period for you to get your child/ren to the vehicle at the scheduled pick up time. This is considered even when dropping your kids off.
When your child is in custody of the driver this is consider the child’s hours in the weekly rate.
Depending on weather we will ensure we following all road rules, and if weather is bad we may run behind, but you the parent will not be held accountable for weather inclement. Please ask for transportation form whether you are waving to have transportation or electing you would like transportation.
​Late Payments:
If a payment is more than two (2) days late, not including weekend, a mandatory fee of $10.00 will be assessed to your child/ren’s account.
If payment becomes more than seven (7) days delinquent, the owner will discharge/discontinue your child/ren’s childcare services.
Late Pick-Up: Cookie’s Playhouse will allow a grace period of five (5) minutes after your scheduled pick up time. After five (5) minutes of a grace period a late fee of $5 dollars will be applied per child in attendance every fifteen (15) minutes. This fee will be due upon your child/ren’s return and/or next business day!

AGE Weekly Full-Time Weekly Part-Time Weekly Part-Time
40 hours 30 hours 20 Hours
Less than 2 years old $225 $180 $120
2 years - 5years $180 $160 $110
6 years - 12 years $150 $135 $100
Drop In Hourly Fee
(When available) $6.25
Hourly Fee Over 40
Hours $5.50
Days Fees
Six (6) days $30 dollars
Five (5) days $25 dollars
Four (4) days $20 dollars
Three (3) days $15 dollars
Two (2) days $10 dollars
One (1) day $5 dollars